Miley Cyrus: 'Paparazzis are creepy'

More quotes from Miley Cyrus' interview from Parade magazine: 'There has been so much controversy sometimes about what I've said or done because I believe there are no mistakes, because God is the only one who can judge us. That's the reason I deleted my Twitter account because I said on there that I believed in gay marriage because everyone should have the right to love each other, and I got such hate mail about my being a bad person.'

About paparazzis, she shared: 'The other day I felt a little bit in danger for the first time because there were too many photographers following me in too many cars. And I have to ask myself, 'Why would any other 50-year-old man who was stalking a 17-year-old girl go to jail, but not these guys? I'm not as American as anyone else?' I mean, they couldn't sit outside of a high school but they can sit outside my recording studio. It's creepy'

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