Lady GaGa: 'I believe in visions'

Lady Gaga called Ryan’s radio show Monday to talk about the massive debut of her “Telephone” video and the progress of her world tour.

On developing an artistic vision for “Telephone”:

“I really believe in the power of visuals and sometimes visions come to me and I know I have to do them. It doesn’t really matter if it makes sense or if it doesn’t make sense. By the end of the video, it became so much more as we explored each scene it became about transsexual women and it became about making fun of American hallmarks like soda cans and cigarettes and mayonnaise and bread.”

On what to expect in her next video:

“I dont really know! Actually Perez [Hilton] really wanted it to be a trilogy, and after he saw it he was like, “it has to have three parts” and I wasn’t really sure at the time and then he pushed me over the edge.”

On being competitive with Beyonce:

“We’re not competitive at all, we’re so different, we respect each other so much and she’s so kind and we really get along. She was so courageous in this video. She trusted me because she likes my work she knew that I love her and it’s a mutual respect. It ended up being a masterpiece because she was so courageous, but I’m sure you can imagine it’s a bit daunting sometimes.”

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